Today was Isabel's birthday. We still had to party alittle even though we celebrated in Kansas earlier in the month. She opened some small presents and we had cupcakes and ice cream.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
A Cousin Visit
Catia along with Phil and Zandra, Marco, Sandra and Vanessa came to visit us Saturday evening for supper and swimming. After we had a wonderful meal of coconut rice, bistec (thinly sliced beef) with onions and red bell peppers and salty potatoes, we went to the pool. The cousins were so happy to be together. We had coffee and cake later while Phil and Vanessa "discussed" politics.
Haircuts and Immunizations
On Saturday we took advantage of some services offered through the St. Vincent dePaul thrift store. They were having a "back to school bash" with free haircuts and immunizations, along with some other services, for any child. Isabel got a shot and Clara and Ollie got haircuts. Oliver was a bit apprehensive, but the promise of a sucker after the cut helped him through.

Friday, August 29, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
A Great Find
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Potty Party
Monday, August 25, 2008
Back to School
Clara began first grade today at Rockbrook Elementary. Her teacher is Miss Quindara. She was so excited this morning she hugged me when I woke her up and was singing when she was getting dressed. (Check out the outfit Aunt Zandra!) She requested macaroni and cheese with carrot sticks, apple slices and a brownie for lunch. She was very excited to ride the bus home.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Gardens
Yesterday we went to the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Gardens. The experience was nearly a disaster as Ollie was stung by a wasp several times after only about 15 minutes of being at the gardens. Of course it was also lunch time, it was hot, and Oliver was tired. He cried hysterically so we decided to leave just to get him in the air conditioned van. He fell asleep quickly and we ended up eating Taco Bell in the van (instead of the yummy looking sandwiches the garden cafe was serving). We decided to go back to the Botanical Gardens and try again. Damian, Clara and Isabel went back in while Marla stayed in the van until Ollie woke up. Luckily the people there were very understanding and we didn't have to pay for parking and admittance a second time.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Fort Worth Zoo
We visited the Fort Worth Zoo today. There were two baby giraffes the kids enjoyed watching. The weather was mild and patchy rain. Wednesdays are half price admissions. Damian had finished his final undergrad test this morning. It was a good day to go to the zoo. Clara commented about the hair on this Asian elephant. We are used to seeing African elephants. Oliver was constantly asking to see the crocodile. We finally found one. We ate Dippin' Dots which tasted really good after walking around for a long time. This zoo has nice vegetation and water features, especially in and around the primate building.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
the way Froggy stares at Frogilina.
This is from the book Froggy's First Kiss.
Froggy makes me laugh every time I read it.
Monday, August 18, 2008
canvas bags
Today Damian and Marla officially became Texans(on paper). After vehicle inspections (and repairs), vehicle registration, and gathering and requesting all known forms of identification, we finally applied for Texas driver's licenses. The children, though at times were loud and disruptive, really did quite well during this one and one-half hour process, especially considering we had already spent that much time enrolling Clara at Rockbrook Elementary earlier in the morning.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Oliver is Growing Up
Not only have the girls celebrated milestones in August, but Oliver has as well. This past week we worked hard on potty training. It is going quite well. We are all very proud of Ollie. He has also been staying in his bed all night for the majority of nights. He is growing up. Today I found myself thinking about preschool even though he isn't quite old enough for this yet. What a tender, smart, and funny boy he is!
We Love Weekends
in a boutique in Ardmore, OK.
We went for tomatoes and
came home with much more...
pizza for supper.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Summer Highlights
Moving to Texas
Playing with cousins in Kansas
Uncle Carl's Camp (Clara)
Family reunion with the Gingerich family
Swimming (Clara has learned to swim and is getting quite good)
Joe and Anna and boys visiting us in Texas
Sedgwick County and Dallas Zoos
Knowing another Sawatzky baby is on the way
Celebrating TEN years of marriage
Celebrating Clara's 6th birthday and Isabel's 1st birthday
Attending Peace Mennonite in Dallas
First words-No, Hi, This (Isabel)
Successful potty training moments(Oliver)
Making a compost bin on the balcony(Marla)
Good grades in Organic Chem and Physics(Damian)
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