Look at all this loot! Just about every item needs multiple batteries. There should have been a 20 pack of batteries included in the stocking, but, of course, there was not. Part of the excitement for Clara about the situation was that her name was read over the announcements. This was a first and it made her feel pretty special.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Random Things
While searching for some fabric I ran across some of my old dresses.
Clara and Isabel wanted to play dress-up. 

I officially started my church job this week. There is a lot to do! I have to keep reminding myself that I can't do it all at once and that is okay.
We had two ice days this week where school was cancelled, even Parker College. It was fun having everyone home during the day. We watched movies and barely got out of our PJs. Today is beautiful outside, sunny and in the 60's.
Oliver is really into the Land Before Time movies. When I was in high school I baby-sat two brothers who were very into these movies, too. We watch them over and over.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
New Opportunity
Today I (Marla), along with 2 others, were commissioned by Peace Mennonite Church to work as a pastoral team in the absense of a pastor. My duties are the communications: bulletins, mailboxes, announcements, emails, responding to phone calls and mail (the type of stuff an administrative assistant would do.) My biggest challenge will be learning everyone's names and the history of how this group works. I will be paid a small amount each month for these tasks. Today as we were commissioned to do this in front of the congregation, I began to wonder what I had gotten myself into, to be part of a pastoral team that does everything the pastor would do on a daily basis. Yikes! I can honestly say I never, ever would have thought I would be on a pastoral team. I officially start the first week of February.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Toddler Bed
Last week we set up the toddler bed for Isabel. She is at least starting out in her bed for night time and seems rather willing to get in it if she knows mom is in the room until she falls asleep.
Of course, Clara and Ollie like to get in it too.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Amy's Wedding
From Chad and April's house we caravaned to eastern Tennessee for cousin Amy's wedding. She had invited Clara to be the flower girl and Gage, the ring bearer. Those two were both excited and a bit nervous. They performed very well (for 6 year olds.) Both dropped what they were holding once during the ceremony. Clara was a bit fidgety, but that was to be expected as they stood with the wedding the party for the entire ceremony.

Later that evening we took the kids to an arcade-type place to let them have one last bash with cousin Gage. They enjoyed bowling, miniature golf (Ollie's favorite), and rock climbing (Gage's favorite.)
The next morning we headed home to Texas. All of our main traveling days, coming and going, were in rain. Damian was so tired of driving in rain. But despite the rain, 2 "friendly" stops by Tennessee law enforcement, colds, drama, sciatica, and only one major vomiting , we had a great holiday.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Christmas in Sharpsburg, GA
From David and Rachel's house we drove 45 minutes south to Sharpsburg to Chad and April and Gage's house. Gage could hardly wait to see his cousins. He had been waiting for "his Clara Mae" and "Baby Oliver". The last time Gage saw Oliver he was a baby. Gage had yet to meet baby Isabel. Of course he loved her and quickly told his mom and dad he wished he had a baby sister.

Uncle Chad treated us to the Build-a-Bear Workshop. Clara and Ollie were so excited to go through this process. Clara named her bear "Violet" and Ollie named his bear "Paws." We didn't buy any clothes to go on the bears, which Clara desperately wants ( birthday present idea!)

Isabel got in some good aunt and uncle lap time.
Clara lost her 2nd tooth of the trip (5 in all) at Gage's house.
Gage very badly wanted to lose one of his own. Frankly, we were glad she would not be a "snaggle-tooth" for Amy's wedding.
Yes, they watched movies together, but the cousins also had good outdoor play time on the bikes and the 4 wheeler, with the dog and cat, and walking through the woods.
Isabel's language seemed to take off during this holiday. She now says "eye", "nose", "mouth" and tried to pronounce names like Silas( sounded like ice), April and Gage. She very clearly now says "Ollie." One of her most frequently used words (besides "mama") is "more" except it sounds like "moy."
Friday, January 9, 2009
Christmas in Atlanta
We loaded up the van and headed southeast to be at Dave and Rachel's house in Atlanta by Christmas Eve. Clara kept Ollie entertained in the van with drawings of The Land Before Time (or as Ollie calls it "The Time Before Land") characters and recalling scenes from the movie. I tried to entertain Izzy with Clara's Ken doll but had to resort to singing This Little Light of Mine over and over. It had been 2 years since our last visit to their house so we were excited to be there. Rachel is reading The Night Before Christmas before bedtime. After the kids went to bed the adults caught up on all subjects of our everyday lives. Thanks D and R for the fellowship!

Isabel received her Uncle DD/Aunt Rachel baby gift of a handmade toy box and blanket. This toy box Dave made out of pine from their house and the blanket Rachel made from South African fabric.

Pretending to be tigers, or any other animal, was the favorite cousin activity. Daily, either Silas or Clara would have a dog leash attached to their pants while the other "walked" them.
It's cheap and fun and the kids ALWAYS have a great time.
Even Isabel joined in. We came away from this visit reminded of how much our kids are alike in their play and interests and intensity.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Christmas in Kansas
The first stop on our holiday journey was Newton to see the Grandmas and Grandpas and Phil, Zandra and Catia. Isabel, Oliver and Marla had all been sick the week we left Texas so we were hoping Clara and Damian would not get it on vacation. We were feeling like softies because we had left 70 degree weather and came into 10 degrees. Luckily we were prepared with the appropriate attire. Ollie was fascinated with his breath in the cold air. At one point in the warmed van he commented that he "losed his breath." During our few days we had a wonderful time opening presents, eating, reading stories, playing music, pretending. We even squeezed in a short playdate with Thomas and Elsie and attended church on Sunday.
Ollie quote: "Grandma, I've been looking for you!"- anytime grandma would retreat to her bedroom for a moment of peace.

Catia's play dough set was the big hit of the day.
Grandma Lela did her best to please Clara and Oliver on the piano. Thanks Grandma Verna for the harmonicas! They were definitely a favorite gift this year. The great-grandpas would be proud!
Christmas in Texas
This was a different kind of Christmas season for our family this year. It started with Marla making the advent banner for church, even though we were only there for one advent Sunday. We decided it didn't make sense to get a Christmas tree but we put up nativities,read our Christmas stories, and listened to Christmas music. Damian finished up finals successfully and we took care of some business in preparation for being gone for 18 days. Before we left Texas we opened our family presents. The favorites were a baby doll (I), The Land Before Time II DVD (O), and High School Musical Gabriella barbie with pool (C). After sending Henry with one of Damian's school friends, packing the van to full capacity and attending Clara's holiday party at school, we shoved off heading north.

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