Christmas started early for our family in Texas. Damian finished the trimester on December 17 and Clara finished school on December 18.
During the summer when we were without food stamps for awhile and feeling desperate, I applied with a local agency for food bank privileges. At the time they also signed us up for the Back-to-School shop where Clara received most of her school supplies, a backpack and clothing. Also, we received a box of food around Thanksgiving with all the supplies for a traditional meal. Lastly, I had the privilege of going to their Christmas shop and picking out toys for the kids. I was surprised and very pleased at what I found. They had really great toys available, including a bike for Ollie, Tinker Toys, Lincoln Logs, and a large set of hardwood building blocks, among other things.
Besides making new stockings for the kids, Damian and the kids all received scarves that I made.
The other "gifts" we received before heading to Kansas were a nasty infection (for me) and a rebuilt transmission for the van, which delayed our departure several days, used up most of my shop money and increased our credit card debt.