Saturday, November 22, 2008

Our week

We celebrated Damian's birthday this week on Tuesday. Tuesday is one of his longer days, but he did come home for lunch because he forgot to take this lab coat in the morning for his afternoon observation. We made him some puppy/people chow as a gift (we couldn't afford anything else right now.) He said that was a wonderful gift and he didn't need anything else. Here's a picture of Ollie shaking up the puppy chow.
This past week our little friend did not stay with us after school because his granny was visiting. That was one less thing to worry about. I listed a few more items on ebay and etsy and began work on the advent banners for church. I realized I only had a few days to complete this project as we would be in Kansas for Thanksgiving and would be driving home on the first advent Sunday. And then I got SICK! Fever and infection, I won't give you the details, just BLAH!!! But today I feel better and am looking forward to an evening with the Springers, cooking Indian food together and having a relaxing time. Clara took this next picture and Ollie took the last one. I thought they were pretty good for a 6 and 2 year old.

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