Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fall Activities

I know it's been awhile since I posted updates. Sorry about that-I've been really busy with Etsy and other things. Last Saturday we had a church social event at Alan and Tim's house to carve pumpkins and play and eat. It was a beautiful, 70 degree, sunny day. The kids each had help carving a pumpkin and learned how to play bocce. We already had to toss Clara's pumpkin (the big one) because he was full of mold. They looked really cool all lit up in our fireplace. We saved the pumpkin seeds for roasting, using Damian's recipe. They are fantastic. Did you know that whole pumpkin seeds are a complete protein? Awesome! Also last week, our new pastor arrived in Dallas. Damian helped with the moving. I've been busy communicating with Ryan(our pastor) and others about church office stuff, etc, etc. My job officially ends after this week! I'm excited that I don't have to worry about the bulletin, etc, but the extra cash each month will be missed. Ryan is coming tomorrow evening for supper. Damian is super busy as it is that time in the trimester when the tests are frequent and difficult. I'm busting my butt trying to keep up with housework and still get things made and listed on Etsy. Now is the buying season, so it's now or never. By the way, FREE SHIPPING right now!!!

1 comment:

Jennifer Chappell Deckert said...

Did you make that Fall leaf garland? I want to buy some from you!!! I love it!