Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Easter egg dying is always exciting for the kids. Ollie, especially, is into the whole ordeal. Of course, it involves water and color, so that makes sense. And then follows the hunt. We only lasted about 2 rounds before the game swithched to nest building and pretending to be mother ducks.
Ollie mostly just played with a stick, beating the tree, ground, etc. Clara has some serious sitting to do to get those eggs to hatch. All this stems from the real mother duck who is sitting on her eggs in a protected nook of the apartment sign out by the road. We check on her every day when we meet Clara at the school bus.
And some of my eggs.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Custom Orders

Here are 2 custom orders I've recently made for twin sized cashmere blankets. The sunny pink/yellow/orange combination went to Canada and the earthy cream/tan/ brown one went to Singapore.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Chiropractic Widget

Please check out the widget located at the very bottom of this page. It is a very basic educational tool which highlights what chiropractic is and the major organs/systems associated with spinal segment levels. I don't agree with every little aspect of information it provides, but I think it is a handy little guide. Most specifically, chiropractic is NOT, I repeat NOT part of the medical discipline. I'll leave it at that. If you want to know more, email me questions. - Damian

Easter Pics

Monday, March 1, 2010

Another challenge and some features

Let me tell you about the great few days I've had with my Etsy shop.

This past Thursday I was featured in the daily "Etsy Finds" post and email on the Etsy blog called  The Storque  (Etsy Finds: Spring Fever).  The item featured was my bird mobile that I created for the EtsyBaby eco-friendly challenge.

I was very excited to see my item included.  I had a stocking included in an Esty Finds this fall and had quite a few shop visits (so I thought) as a result, but nothing compared to what happened this time around.  That day I had over 1700 shop visits and over 80 new people that marked my shop as a favorite.  I sold 2 of those mobiles featured, 2 smaller mobiles, a nest with eggs, and a scarf.  Over the weekend I continued to get a lot of shop visits and people marking me as a favorite.

Today I opened up my Etsy Finds email (Etsy Finds: In Like a Lion) to again see one of my items included!  This time it was my Easter egg set.

It is thrilling for me to be included in this kind of publicity.  I feel like I am finally getting some notice.  We'll see what this (dreary Texas) day brings for my shop.

Now, the challenge part:  If you would like to go vote for my mobile in the EtsyBaby eco challenge visit this site .  Voting ends March 15.  The winner gets some free advertising on the EtsyBaby blog!


Ollie has been into robots lately.  He makes himself costumes to pretend to be a robot.  He gets on iTunes and listens to a song about robots. I decided to make a robot one day as an experiment.  Izzy has taken to that. She likes to hold onto the floppy arms.