Monday, March 1, 2010

Another challenge and some features

Let me tell you about the great few days I've had with my Etsy shop.

This past Thursday I was featured in the daily "Etsy Finds" post and email on the Etsy blog called  The Storque  (Etsy Finds: Spring Fever).  The item featured was my bird mobile that I created for the EtsyBaby eco-friendly challenge.

I was very excited to see my item included.  I had a stocking included in an Esty Finds this fall and had quite a few shop visits (so I thought) as a result, but nothing compared to what happened this time around.  That day I had over 1700 shop visits and over 80 new people that marked my shop as a favorite.  I sold 2 of those mobiles featured, 2 smaller mobiles, a nest with eggs, and a scarf.  Over the weekend I continued to get a lot of shop visits and people marking me as a favorite.

Today I opened up my Etsy Finds email (Etsy Finds: In Like a Lion) to again see one of my items included!  This time it was my Easter egg set.

It is thrilling for me to be included in this kind of publicity.  I feel like I am finally getting some notice.  We'll see what this (dreary Texas) day brings for my shop.

Now, the challenge part:  If you would like to go vote for my mobile in the EtsyBaby eco challenge visit this site .  Voting ends March 15.  The winner gets some free advertising on the EtsyBaby blog!

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