Friday, April 2, 2010

Doctor Yourself

Okay, so the last time I posted something on the blog, it received a grand total of ZERO comments. Maybe that's because everyone reading this already knows about Chiropractic and the correlations to the various parts of the body that each vertebral segment mirrors, OR that adjusting the C7 segment (that's at the base of the neck) can improve shoulder pain, tingly/numbness down the arm and into the hand and fingers, thyroid function - be it under functioning or over functioning - or, more importantly, prevent it all; or, other reasons I have no clue about.
BUT, please follow the supplied link to the website Doctor Yourself hosted by Dr. Andrew Saul - alphabet soup, literally, behind his name - who has 34 years of experience providing natural health education to millions of curious, adventurous readers; like you. He has an index of ailments/topics to the left of the webpage linking you to such an enormous array of information it would take a month of reading 24/7 just to get through it all - links to information on coughing, ear aches, high blood pressure, emphysema, cancer, osteoporosis, thyroid, vaccination, menstrual periods (or lack of them), etc, etc, etc. . . the list goes on. I also have some advice for preventing/managing painful menstruation. Just ask.
So, please, I implore you, check out this website. It is phenomenal. Here is the LINK (or copy and paste it into your browser You will be thoroughly impressed. I know I was, and still am. Sometimes I wonder about things like what to do for Oliver's nagging nighttime cough, or the swollen fire ant bite wounds on Isabel's thumb and feet, or Clara's wheezy breathlessness when she has an allergic/asthmatic response to . . . something. Then, I remember this website. I always find excellent advise. So, check it out. ENJOY! Oh, don't forget to share this information with your friends, and DON'T forget to go see your doctor (preferably a Doctor of Chiropractic).
Thanks for reading! - Damian

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