Saturday, July 17, 2010


As of yesterday evening we have an addition to our family!  Damian's classmate's cat had a litter that was destined for the Humane Society.  It was difficult to resist and we went back and forth about it all week.  This was a complete surprise to the kids.  They had no idea where we were going or what we were doing until they saw the kittens.  Even then, Clara, didn't think we would take one home because we've always said "No". 

We chose this kitten in particular because he was calm and let Ollie sling him around for a long time.  He didn't make a peep on the van ride home.  We named him Lewis and call him Lewy.  He is 10 weeks old and sweet as can be.  Henry was the last kitten I had been around and he's already 10 years old.  I didn't know a kitten could be so docile because Henry was NOT! 


Charlotte said...

Louis looks a little bit like Skippyjon Jones. Do you know those picture books? Your kids would like them.

Joe and Anna said...

I think Lewy will be well-loved. Uncle Joe says don't hold him by his neck.