Monday, August 23, 2010

Flower Girl

We were all delighted that our family could in some way contribute to cousin Christen's wedding on August 13.  Christen has always been a special cousin to us because we lived around each other and got to watch her grow up.  She was 6 when we got married and helped receive the gifts at our wedding.  She even stayed the night at our house once, just for fun (this was before we had our own children). 

Clara was super excited about the event.  This was her second time being flower girl, so she knew a bit about what she would be doing, etc.  Her excitement grew exponentially when she learned she would have her hair done, ride in a limo to the reception AND get  to keep her beautiful dress.  She received a lovely sterling heart necklace to wear on the big day.  As soon as we got back to Texas I had to print pictures for her so she could make a scrapbook with the napkin and baby's breath she saved.  She wants to remember that day always.

I know that I am her mother so this next statement is slightly biased, but she looked absolutely GORGEOUS!!  She nearly took my breath away.  She wasn't, of course, wasn't the only one who looked good, besides the bride.  Grandma Helmer was all done up in a sparkly top and Doreen (mother of the bride) was stunning!


Joe and Anna said...

Does it make you feel old that someone who was six when you got married is now married herself?

The pictures are great. I don't know if an uncle counts as less biased/more objective than a mother, but Clara is indeed beautiful!


Tim and Heidi Huber said...

Clara is GORGEOUS in the wedding photos! It's not just you being biased. Is she taking up modeling anytime soon? ;)