Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Trinity River Audubon Center

This past Thursday Damian had off
so we took the kids to the
Trinity River Audubon Center.
May is a beautiful time for blooming wildflowers.

Bird watching.

These tiny orange butterflies were everywhere.
Also, large black woolly caterpillars.

We also have these cranes at the water behind our apartments.

I really love the thistles right now!

Ollie spotted this little guy.
He was so much brighter than
the lizards we usually see.
His surroundings were bright as well,
in a marshy area.

A little hawk.

The building and education center on the sight were great.
Here the kids are playing with water that
they could direct to create a river.
There were live turtles in aquariums
and fun animal facts, bones, fur, etc,
not unlike the drawers at Kauffman Museum.

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