Monday, March 4, 2013


Damian and I are juicing again this week.  I am committed to breaking my sugar addiction!  And yes, it is an addiction.  So is fast food and any other processed food (really, they're not food at all).  I've put on a few pounds since moving back to Kansas and that is NOT okay.  With spring right around the corner, now is the time to reverse this trend.

My standard go to juice for any time of day is a combo of apples, carrots and a dark leafy green such as spinach or kale.  We use and Omega Juicer we purchased while Damian was in school.  Today I'm trying this celery detox recipe for lunch:

1 apple
half beet (I juice the greens as well)
3 carrots
2 celery stalks
1 handful of parsley

On a different, yet related topic, I am so excited to get busy in our garden.  We are starting from scratch this year.  I haven't planted anything yet due to the 12+ inches of snow we received.  Also, I don't have my soil freed from the crab grass.  Yes, I realize that will never completely happen, but I want to get as much out of there as possible.  Anyway, I plan to get some potatoes, radishes, and lettuce in soon.  Our tilled space is roughly 24x34 feet.

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