Monday, November 22, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Quilts, Shells and Sand

I've been much to busy to blog regularly, but I wanted to share a few pictures from our SUPER FUN weekend in Houston and Galveston.

We went to Houston for the MCC Sale.  It was small and quaint, inside a church.  Ten Thousand Villages had a tent set up on the premises from which we purchase jewelry and toys.  The kids all got something.  I had given the kids each $5.00 to do what they wanted with.  Those $5 bills went for used books and baked goods (no surprise there!)  I did bid on 2 items in the auction.  The first was an oak jewelry chest that looks just like a chest of drawers.  We won that bid and Clara was thrilled as this was to be hers.

I also bid on a quilt, but dropped out about half way through.  One could get a good quilt bargain at that sale!

When the sale was finished we headed down to Galveston.  It was cool and overcast during most of our trip, but we didn't get rained on.

The kids had a blast combing the beach for shells and whatever else they could find.  Oliver, especially, could have stayed on the beach indefinitely.  Treasures inside there buckets included many shells, barnacles, hermit crab bits and pieces and even a larger crab claw.

We also purchased some shells and things in a very fun store that is literally on the ocean.

Then we took a boat ride in the bay to see dolphins.  We did see dolphins very close, but they are nearly impossible to photograph from a moving boat.  The kids thought this was the best thing ever!

I kept trying to get a good picture of the pelicans.  The shrimping boats were fun to see.

We really had a great time.  It was a much needed break for everyone.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween from Snow White, Mr. Pirate, and Soaring Eagle!

I think the feathers suit Soaring Eagle quite well.
This is the first year Mr. Pirate has not been afraid of the dark. 

Snow White was feeling camera shy so I had to get an action shot later.   Once she figured out we were looking for lit porch lights, she exclaimed excitedly about every light knowing she would get candy.  She talked about how heavy her bag was but would not let anyone else carry it.