Sunday, June 10, 2012

Look Out! Here We Come. Summer is Here.

We've had a busy week here as summer activities are underway. 

Clara attended Uncle Carl's Camp at Kauffman Museum.  It was archeology themed.  She, of course, loved it!  Clara has also begun orchestra lessons at the high school.  We also signed Clara up for a paper route beginning at the end of June.

Oliver had his first two T-ball games this week.  He is enjoying himself while learning some baseball fundamentals.

I began babysitting this week for a 4 year old boy and his 1 year old sister.  So far so good.

Public Library events have been attended.

Swimming has occurred.

A turtle rescued and released back to the wild.

We have been looking in on Catia's chickens while their family is on vacation.

Damian works at his clinic during the day and delivers pizza at night for Papa Johns.

Weed pulling and watering of the garden.  And a little harvesting, too.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Prairie Path Wool

After two unsuccessful craft shows this year and a rejection to another, I have been thinking a lot about my Etsy shop.  2010 was an amazing year, both online and at craft fairs.  2011 was far behind 2010 in sales.   I did close the shop during the summer months last year so we could move, but those are slim months anyway.  This year has been even less fruitful than last year, making me question pretty much everything about my shop and product.  I haven't made any big decisions yet, but I am doing much analyzing.  I reopened my vintage shop and am selling a few things from there.  In the meantime, I have made a monster for Oliver.  He saw monsters at the last craft fair and wanted one very much.  He drew a picture and I copied it as best I could.  His name is Flouride.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


We rescued this guy from the road over by Braums.  We kept him for a few days before returning him Sand Creek.  I named him Crackers because the back of his shell is cracked.  He was probably run over.  His back legs do not function very well so he has difficulty getting up on a surface to bask in the sun.  He seems to swim okay, though.  Hopefully he can survive back in his native habitat.  He was so thrilled when we released him.  He shook his hind end and swam his heart out!