Friday, January 28, 2011

Small Pleasures

Clara's birdfeeder has attrached many birds to our balcony.

We enjoy daily viewings.

There is also a regular pair of cardinals we enjoy seeing and hearing.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Helmer Christmas

Clara and Oliver with Grandma Helmer

Helmer extended family at Grandma Helmer's house

At Grandma Verma's house for gift opening and eating tasty food
Ah, Stanley.  What a sweet boy!
Izzy wearing her "tutu" Christmas dress

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Detoxification: the why's and how's

Hello All.  I am excited about an article I just read about detoxification and wanted to share it with you.  It is by Dr. Mark Hyman.  Perhaps some of you remember his name from previous posts by me (Damian).  He is a medical doctor who stands outside the traditional paradigm of medicine - Mechanism - and embraces a holistic (whole body) approach to health care - Vitalism.  He has a series of books I encourage all of you to read.  In the mean time, his article on detoxification is brilliant.  Here is a link.  Please browse other topics on the website available in bullet format on the right sash of the screen.

I hope you are all well and enjoying the new year.  Here's to your health! 

- Damian (Chiropractic Intern, Parker College of Chiropractic)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sawatzky Christmas

before we left for Kansas

Izzy wearing ALL of her hair accessories from her stocking

Grandpa's favorite activity

snuggling during a movie

Candy Land

spider web

pipe cleaner spider

cardboard house in progress

quality one-on-one time

It doesn't get much cuter than this!

Oh wait, I may have spoken too soon.

awaiting stocking opening


Backrub time

A favorite activity with Grandma

What are you tallking about over there??

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Oliver turned five on December 13.  He wanted a robot cake that he could decorate himself.  He requested an outdoor "adventure kit" for his gift.  We also got him a sleeping bag to use over the Christmas holiday break.  He is sweet and sensitive and easily frustrated by his sisters.  Oliver is excelling in his pre-K class and his teachers wish they had 20 students like Ollie.  He loves to ride bike and do anything outside, especially involving water.  We are so lucky to have him in our lives.