Tuesday, September 20, 2011

All Day Kindergarten

After waking early Monday morning with great excitement for all day kindergarten, Oliver (and I) realized he needed to stay home due to a case of pink eye.  He was extremely bummed and tears were shed.

With the same enthusiasm upon waking this morning, Oliver headed off to school.  We saw a beautiful double rainbow as we turned the corner to Slate Creek on our bikes.

The first thing Ollie asked me after school today was if sticking up his middle finger was saying a bad word.  My initial thought was "Really?  REALLY???"  Those idiotic parents, poisoning my 5 year old on his first real day of school.  Not only that, but the little boy told Oliver that if he ever did it he would go to a bad place with smoke.  Can you imagine what else these parents tell their children?  Shame on them.

It has bothered Ollie the rest of the day.  He was (tired) crying before bed about how he had a bad day because this boy was bossing him and saying mean things.  Then all of a sudden he stopped, stood up straight and said "I need to draw a picture."  He went to the kitchen floor with a piece of paper and markers and this was the result.
from a sweet, sensative boy

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Bath Time

Ever since we got Taddy back the kids have been begging to bathe her.

Oliver in his element!  Seriously, this kid has a spiritual connection to water.

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Story of Taddy

In the spring of 1999, while taking a class at Bethel, Damian brought home an abandoned puppy.  We placed an ad in the newspaper, but nobody claimed her.  We decided to keep this young puppy with floppy ears and name her Taddy. 

When Damian made the decision to go to chiropractic school in Texas, we knew we had to give her up.  She was not an apartment kind of dog.  Luckily, a friend was able to take and care for her.  We were unsure of Taddy's whereabouts after this friend moved out of state.

After I moved back to Kansas, while Damian was still in Texas, I randomly looked on the Caring Hands Humane Society's website.  To my great surprise, there was Taddy.  She had just been there a couple of days.  Of course I immediately contacted Damian.  And the rest is history.  We rescued her once so we figured we could do it again.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Izzy's First Day of Preschool

She was so excited!  She insisted on taking her backpack complete with a hair brush, pencil and piece of paper.  She had a great morning at Bethel College Mennonite Church.  Since Ollie's kindergarten is in the afternoon, we had him to ourselves for 2 whole hours.  That was fun and he enjoyed it.  We made a special trip to the Et Cetera Shop.